Thursday, September 04, 2008

On the campaign trail: the concept of a home cooked meal...

is begiining to become quite attractive. Don't get me wrong, I'm eating well enough (too well, some might say), but the idea of having something that Ros and I buy and prepare ourselves begins to take on the concept of a mirage.

So, day 4 of the campaign proper, and three events already under the belt. The launch day was fun, and although my back was creaking pretty badly - war wound from earlier campaign activity - I was able to do some delivery for Ed Davey whilst others, including Ros, canvassed houses on the A3. We then adjourned to a very pleasant, and packed out, Indian restaurant in Surbiton for a hearty meal and speeches from Ros and Ed.

Tuesday was Bexley, as Ros and Duncan have already indicated. I must note that the 'Happy China' restaurant did us proud.

Last night saw us making our way across North London to Haringey for one of their regular 'Pizza and Politics' nights. Monica Whyte, a former colleague on the Regional Executive, and a candidate for the London Assembly in Enfield & Haringey and on the list, was our host and the conversation flowed as freely as the wine. A quite candid debate ensued, as you might expect with Lynne Featherstone and Jonathan Fryer (or possibly one of the many Jonathan clones that attend every Party event inside the M25) in the room, and it was fascinating to be able to contrast the differing 'lifestyles' of parliamentarians at opposite ends of the Palace of Westminster.

I also found time to catch up with one of our newest approved parliamentary candidates, Helen Duffett, and we talked about strategies for getting selected. I think that Helen has real prospects, and hope that she continues to feel encouraged.

Finally, I should note how pleased I was to see Julia Glenn. Julia has, imperceptably, become an old friend, and I really appreciate her good sense and better advice.

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