Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Germans are coming, the Germans are coming. Oh, they're here...

As readers of Ros's blog will be aware, we've been in Wales, meeting members and, in between, enjoying some scenery.

I've not been slacking off though, and have demonstrated my knowledge of obscure facts - did you know that New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote? - earning us a bottle of wine to take home from Bridgend, met the author of 'All Along The Watchtower' and been to the happiest place in the country (and the second most miserable).

But the title of this entry? Frankly, I couldn't resist. In Newport, we had the pleasure of the company of Veronica and Mike German. Veronica is busily shaking up Torfaen Council, whilst Mike is preparing for life post-leadership. I don't get the impression that he's terribly worried about the prospect, and he was in good form.

Peter Black has already given his view as to the succession, and it ill befits me to comment on what is predominantly an internal Welsh matter, but having met Kirsty Williams on a couple of occasions, I've been very impressed. She has passion, flair and a fair bit of determination too. If elected, she would certainly represent a change in terms of style and approach.


  1. "met the author of 'All Along The Watchtower' "

    You met Bob Dylan?!

  2. Jennie i think he means me, unless Bod Dyaln was in Brecon as well
