Saturday, May 03, 2008

Fraternal greetings from the People's Republic of Kerala

Ros is taking a swim, so I thought that I'd take the opportunity to reconnect to the outside world.

After three days in Bangalore to recover from jetlag and acclimitise to the weather (it's about 35 degrees and the sun is beating down from an almost entirely blue sky), we've moved on to romantic India of legend, with a visit to Mysore, where we toured the Maharajah's palace before retiring to our hotel overlooking the famous Brindavan Gardens.

We stood on the terrace of our hotel, drink in hand, as darkness fell and the evening light and water show began. The gardens are renown for their appearances in Hindi movies and the moment when the lights all come on at once is absolutely amazing.

Since then it has been glorious scenery, amazing hotels and general pampering all the way. We've tested ayurvedic massage - in the cause of research, we haven't enjoyed it at all, you understand - eaten good food, seen some amazing sights and generally taken on a slightly darker skin tone.

Today, we leave our resort in the Kerala backwaters for a day on a houseboat. Think of it as being like the Norfolk Broads but with guaranteed sunshine...

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