Sunday, March 09, 2008

Want to interview Nick Clegg in Sheffield? Ask me how!

Following on from the debate about getting access for bloggers from outside London to key figures in the Party, I was innocently minding my own business in the bar of the conference hotel last night when who should appear in front of me but Nick, our glorious leader.

I'm not much of a groupie and tend to leave the celebrities alone but, on this occasion, I asked him if he would be willing to meet up with bloggers somewhere other than London. His response? "How about Sheffield?", he said. "That sounds like a challenge!", I said. "No,", he replied, "an invitation."

So, the opportunity exists. He's up for it. Are you? Get in touch with me, and I'll see what can be arranged...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark

    I would like to go up to Sheffield although it depends on date, travel and money issues.

    Nick's cool! :@)
