Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It would appear that my faceless days are numbered…

Ros and I had considered whether or not we should ‘announce’ our engagement, and had not entirely concluded as to what we should do or where (when you reach our age, you do tend to be more traditionalist…). However, someone very kindly appears to have taken the decision for us.

Featured on Liberal Democrat VoiceI received a telephone call from Ros, advising me to check out the Daily Telegraph, and through the magic of the internet, and the Telegraph’s pretty good e-version, I found the following:

I have been accused of many things in the past, but ‘wonderfully soppy’ hadn’t been one of them, at least until now

1 comment:

  1. The Facebook Bureaucrat?

    Empress Jessica hasn't given us her views BTW, has she packed her bags?
