Sunday, June 10, 2007

BAe scandal: stupidity, cupidity or just the sign of a government in moral decline?

Last year, I, like many fellow bloggers, noted with a mixture of despair and anger the desperate attempts of an increasingly wretched government to draw a veil over the BAe affair.

It doesn't get any better, but all that needs to be said about Al Yamamah is here...


  1. ... or just the sign of a government in moral decline?

    But which government - or governments? All the signs are that the Tories' fingers are just as grubby as Labour's on this one.

  2. Which is, of course, the most puzzling aspect of the affair. If the whole sorry deal was set up under a Conservative administration, why don't Labour 'sell them down the river'?

    They could always claim that they weren't in a position to challenge it...
