Sunday, February 04, 2007

When cats attack!

This morning was spent in health-related activity. I haven't had a proper eye test for far too long, and after a few disconcerting moments in Albuquerque and Dallas when I began to distrust my own eyes, I was moved to do something about it.

Armed with a voucher entitling me to a free eye test (and no, I don't qualify for one through my age, you cheeky monkeys!), I turned up and was shown into one of those seemingly standard rooms you encounter at opticians, with slightly shabby walls and furniture that might stand to be replaced in the near future. I was gently led through a set of tests, which exposed the fact that I have the eyesight of a hawk. Not bad for a forty-two year old!

My next errand was to take Victoria to the vet. She's been suffering from a persistent ear infection since I returned from India and I finally had the opportunity to do something about it. She's the smallest of my five cats but undoubtedly the most feisty (I can't imagine where she gets it from), so I was quite pleasantly surprised when the vet managed to give her an injection without much complaint. Unfortunately, this meant that she was alerted to what was to follow, i.e. a second injection. A blur of black and white fur later, there was rather a lot of blood around, mine as it turned out. Victoria had quite successfully bitten my hand, and I was bleeding like a stuck pig from a very neat puncture wound.

A little disinfectant and some running water and the bleeding stopped - eventually - allowing me to take her home. The good news is that not only do I still have a left hand, but Victoria appears to have forgiven me for impaling her teeth in my hand. I can't wait for the follow-up appointment next week...

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