Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Meanwhile, on the East Coast...

It would appear that Virginia state law obliges the State to hold a recount if the leading candidates are within 0.5% of each other, and have to pay for it. If the margin is greater than that but less than 1%, the second-placed candidate may call for one but, unless the result is overturned, they have to pay for it. A big decision for George Allen...

Best of all, a recount cannot commence until the votes have been certified, and that isn't scheduled until 26 November! So, with the state now flooded with lawyers, it will be just like 2000...

The Democrats have already announced an ambitious programme for their first 100 hours, including an increase in the minimum wage, so perhaps there is hope after all. And with Rumsfeld gone, perhaps we can look forward to a more thoughtful policy in Iraq.

1 comment:

  1. Looks to me as if they have already started lots of local recounts at least. From what I could work out the number of precincts not reporting has leapt from just three to over 150.
