Friday, September 15, 2006

We're all recognition junkies now...

Much excitement in the Lib Dem corner of the blogosphere after Iain Dale's announcement of his top 100 Lib Dem blogs. Modesty forbids me from commenting on my rather surprising ranking but, needless to say, I wouldn't have put myself on the left hand page (and possibly not the right hand one, either...). So have a peek, you might learn something, and discover some very good writing too...

Whilst the idea that Lib Dems should be getting worked up about what a Tory thinks of us is, on the face of it, somewhat absurd, I would suggest that it is a mark of the respect that many of us have for him and his achievements in the field of political publishing that causes us to take his opinions so seriously.

Politico's was a laudable attempt to broaden interest in something other than thirty-second, red-top headline politics and, as someone who firmly believes in the concept of an informed, participatory democracy (whilst winning elections is nice, winning the argument is much more satisfying), I have a sneaking hope that he made some money out of it too (don't tell me Iain, remember, I work for Revenue and Customs!).

As for his blog, I may not agree with him all the time (I'm a Liberal Democrat, duh...), but his recognition factor within the wider political blogosphere and beyond says something for his ability to break stories and comment in an articulate way on issues that engage the reader.

It's a good thing that Iain will be attending the Lib Dem Blog of the Year Award ceremony tomorrow evening. I'll be there, drink in hand to toast the winner... I might even buy Iain a drink, if he's willing to accept sustenance from one of those evil Lib Dem types!

1 comment:

  1. I was most pleased that Mr. Dale had nominated your august blog as a centre of LD blogging excellence. But a suggestion, if I may be so bold -If you strayed more frequently out of the parochial world of SE London Lib Demmery, you would attract more punters. A healthy dollop of foreign policy pontificating and a spicey dash of Lib. Dem insidery gossip would serve you well...
