Tuesday, September 19, 2006

'Liberal Bureaucracy' goes transatlantic!

No, I'm not getting on an aeroplane bound for some far flung, exotic location in the Americas, tempting though it might be. It is with great pleasure that I welcome any American readers who might have linked to this via the website of Americans for Democratic Action.

I've been a rather distant member of the ADA family for fifteen years now and, whilst I would be considered a mite hawkish by the mainstream standards of the organisation, I have tremendous respect for their knowledge, expertise and warmth. They truly care about their country and the people in it, and share a common sense that we have to create equality of opportunity in order to truly succeed as a nation.

So, on with the medley, and keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Eh up. Must admit, the relief of no longer holding a position is indeed palpable.

    Anyroads, I gave in to temptation and got one of these blog thingys. Maybe it'll be useful, maybe not. Anyways, interesting RE the ADA. I'll check thme out at osme ponit soon.
