Friday, April 07, 2006

Opponents are people too...

I've been doing more research on my Conservative opponent in Village ward. She's really fascinating but someone, somewhere, really doesn't like her.

Frankly, my only question is, "Why she is a Conservative?". She seems like a rather nice person, on the basis of the brief conversation we had on 2 February. On the other hand, Kim Humphries... well, words fail me. The claims of Dulwich Conservatives in terms of their impact on the effectiveness of Southwark Council are laughable, and perhaps I ought to remind Kim that there are twenty-eight Liberal Democrat councillors to six Conservatives (one of whom defected from us...). Their attacks on Labour are fascinating given that they voted for a Labour mayor last year. Contrary, or was it simply revenge for our beating Kim into third place in Dulwich and West Norwood last year?

Meanwhile, I note that one of my Labour opponents, Barbara Portwin, has suspended her nascent blog. Having had it brought to my attention by a friend, I did enjoy her discomfort on being challenged about Iraq. She did come across as a bit wet and I'm really sorry that she thinks it unfair to be challenged on issues beyond those related to Southwark Council. As my primary school teacher said so cogently, "Life isn't fair.". If you represent a political party at any level, you should expect to be challenged on any element of their policy, especially in a ward with a highly articulate electorate. Besides, if your entire campaign is founded on making people afraid, you deserve everything you get.

I wasn't expecting this campaign to be as much fun as it is turning out to be...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes, I do see what you mean!
    Paul Smith

  3. Such randomness gives us pagans a bad name though


  4. This guy Paul Smith is seriously bad news. For obscure reasons of his own he has a personal vendetta against Robin Crookshank-Hilton. His accusations should not be taken seriously. His allegation that she is some sort of pagan wiccan priestess (based on an email he received from a dubious individual in the US) are laughable. You are lucky to have her on your council.
