Sunday, December 08, 2024

Regional Candidates Committee - let the verwaltung* commence (but not until the New Year)

And so, I was elected to the Regional Candidates Committee for the East of England Liberal Democrats - fairly comfortably as it turned out. And that wasn't a given. I've been far from active in Regional Party politics since my two year stint as Regional Secretary more than a decade ago, and many of our current members weren't around then. So, in that sense, apart from my friends and colleagues that I've kept up with, I don't have an obvious support base in such elections and rather relied on a manifesto rich in experience and high on relevance to get me through.

But here we are, and I have a job of work to do - although what I end up doing is to a great extent dependent on what the re-elected Regional Candidates Chair, Lori Flawn, needs or wants. At least I know what might be done, and when, which should at least be useful. And, I don't want her job, so I won't be getting in her way (not deliberately, anyway).

The new Committee, currently consisting of Lori, myself, Jacqui Morley (the Regional Vice Chair), Will Tennison and David Roberts, takes up its duties on 1 January, which gives me time to do some light reading first - it's always nice to know exactly what the parameters are and who I might want to talk to at various points. And, at some point, I ought to get to know my new colleagues a little better - to be honest, only Lori is that familiar to me.

So, where is that Regional Constitution…

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