Monday, June 07, 2010

National Express East Anglia - the curse strikes again!

As part of an attempt to do more non-Party stuff, I took Friday afternoon off to attend UEA Court, one of those ceremonial things that we do so well in this country. Given that both Ros and I are UEA graduates, it seemed to be right that we accept their invitation.

Unfortunately, not far beyond Stratford, the NXEA curse struck. A train in front of us had broken down, blocking the line. An obvious solution would have been to switch the points to allow us to travel around the blockage but, in one of those coincidences that drives people off of the railways, there had been a points failure, and we were stuck - for about an hour and a quarter.
The result, trip to Norwich cancelled, leaving us to enjoy a beautiful mid-Suffolk evening. Ah well, every cloud has a silver lining... and NXEA will be sending me vouchers equivalent to the cost of my trip...

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