Saturday, January 02, 2010

2009 by numbers - not exciting enough to be statporn, more light titillation...

As I only started using Google Analytics sixteen months ago, 2009 is the first year for which complete data exists. So, here goes...

'Liberal Bureaucracy' received 22,922 visits during the year, an average of nearly 63 per day, or 1,910 per month. Not too bad, I would suggest, especially as I don't really promote the blog as well as I might. The top postings were;

The best month was March, with 2,466 unique visits, although February (2,273) averaged more per day. The worst month was October, with just 1,305 unique visits.

In terms of income yield, it was by far my best year ever, with advertising yielding £16.49 (I'm not going to get rich fast by blogging, obviously). I'm expecting to get a cheque from Google at some point in May 2012. And yes, I am planning to declare it in due course...


Jennie Rigg said...

Quantity or quality, though...? Not that I'm rubbing my bigger numbers in your face or anything... ;)

Mark Valladares said...

Naturally, quality, my dear... Impossible to measure, completely subjective, the perfect way for a civil servant's performance to be judged...

Your stats look pretty fit though, don't they?... Good job, my blue-haired friend!